
Keeping downtown looking sharp

Groundwerx clean and safe program

Groundwerx Safety Ambassadors are easy to spot in bright green shirts. They help folks with directions, a walk to the car and report unusual events.

Groundwerx Cleaning Crews help keep downtown clean with sidewalk sweeping, anti-graffiti efforts, pressure washing and more. The special equipment used by Groundwerx is designed to be as quiet and environmentally friendly as possible. 

If you see a mess that needs immediate attention, call Groundwerx at 408-287-1520. 

Cleaning Crews and Ambassadors work daily from 6 am – 8:30 pm. On Friday and Saturday, safety ambassador hours extend to 10 pm.

Call for a Free Safety Escort 7 Days a Week

During regular program hours, anyone within district boundaries can call 408-287-1520 to request a safety escort. Typical response time is about 5 minutes and the Safety Ambassador can escort you to your car, building, hotel or workplace.

Schedule safety escorts in advance if you know that you will be leaving late.

Safety escorts are available daily from 6 am – 8:30 pm and until 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

SJDA 2021

Groundwerx monthly stats - January 2024

Trash Collected
1 lbs
Graffiti Removed
Pressure Washing Hours
Safety ambassador hours
Business Check-ins
Directions Given

How Groundwerx gets it done

Each day, Groundwerx sets out to keep downtown clean, safe and beautiful. Along with the 30 staff members that make up the Groundwerx team, we deploy specialized equipment within the PBID to achieve these goals.

Pressure Washer

Our pressure washing team uses Kubota utility vehicles and industrial grade pressure washers to tackle tough stains and biohazards throughout the PBID.


Our ALTVs, or all-terrain litter vacuums, may look like Zambonis, but they help us remove debris and leaves from downtown’s protected bike lanes and other public spaces.

Employee Spotlight

Past Employees of the Month

Contact us

Download our App

The official app for residents and visitors which allows you to easily report quality of life issues by sending pictures, a brief description and location information.

Groundwerx Employee cleaning

Groundwerx Dispatch Number

Open 7 Days a Week
(408) 287-1520

Chris K

Chris Kendrix​

Operations Manager​

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